We have freighters to deliver the goods to your port at cheap prices.
Whether you buy our products or not, you can use our freighters to transport your goods to other companies.
We can handle the certification of any country.
We have three factories that produce Mining Machinery, Farmer Machinery, Animal Machinery, Earthwork,Building Ground, Build Houses, Build Bridges, etc.
In addition, we produce Metal Customized Parts and Plastic Customized Parts for different machinery.
Welcome to visit our website, https://www.youtube.com/@chinafactory1984 www.tiktok.com/@longshencoltd
We can produce huge heavyweight machinery used for industry and small lightweight machinery used for home.
We can refit the machinery according to the working environment, drawings, or special requirements.
Buy one set is OK. A trial order can certify our strong strength.
We can reply to you within 24 hours if you email us. orders1@foxmail.com